jaga diri hiasi peribadi

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stubborn+Hard Core

Have u ever been very stubborn that everybody cannot change ur mind or ur believe? I would like to share a very hard core situation here...huh..speechless..

For the time being, we have 2 motorcycles at home.1 Red Auto Yamaha Ego CBR889 and 1 Red+White Honda EX5 CCB998. Since Mustaqim went to UNIKL, ayah used his CCB998 to go to work and most places in Kuantan. The same goes to my CBR 889.. He just choose which one he wants and ready to go..(except for the day i ride to work-parak gak minyak kete ayah bile bawak gi keje..) Since the fuel price hiked to RM 2.70, ayah always bising2 that there will be no more jalan2 using the car..so..the car will only will be used when it is raining, when he is outstation and when we have to go more than 2 person at a time with only for important and reasonable occasion..

So, the mode of transport have been changed from motocar..to motorcycle..

The thing is, and it is a really bad thing..ayah will ride our motorcycles without helmet. Only with his kopiah and sometimes with his RayBan, riding here and there..Just imagine guys..how dangerous it is..All of us even tired asking him to wear it and as usual he did donno je..What a brave man yet at a wrong situation..

My mother's cousin even make a joke, "See..Kuantan's most Otai is on the road"..I thinks several friends of him and mak asked was that really him riding without helmet?Mak answers will be,"yes, and dah tatau nak cakap ape..polis pon tak pernah tahan die..mungkin polis pon takut kat die..(dalam hati polis-rekaan kiteorg-'kalo encik ni seberani ni tak pakai helmet, kalo aku tahan die pun, mesti die lebih berani utk lawan aku balek,so baik aku tak payah tahan')..

Yesterday, while i was in da office, mak call and told me that ayah fell of the bike .Luckily no serious injuries, only a little scratch on the elbow and knee.He was hit by a car on da way home and fell. I saw Mustaqim's CCB 998's right signal broke. On the way back after terawikh, i had the opportunity to sound him "ha itula..Dia nak tunjukla tu..suruh pakai helmet..naseb sikit je.."hihi..sinis..but 'dine in'..ayah diam je..

Even though Kuantan is not a big town and the distance between his office and our home is only like from Menara SAAS to PKNS, the danger is there and of course, we cannot detect with our nose right?

So guys, the bikers outside there..wear your helmet..As on the tv commercial-"Remember ur loved ones.."

Utk ayah, tataula bile nak insaf..dah hard core sangat..nasihat org tanak dgr dah..(muda2 dulu ayah one of Pahang Bikers..with his high CC bikes).He stopped when got involved in an accident on the way home from Rompin. His Red HondaCBR 900 ,CJ 32 was halfly smashed..(Miss the old times when went to bazar Ramadhan with ayah riding his big bike).

For now, i just can pray so that his heart will open to wear helmet again and also for his safety..


Anonymous said...

hahaha...ko letak tali ikat kat moto je helmet...senang je...ekekeke....

LeLa BeSt said...

saye saksi hidup ayah ko tak pakai helmet nek motor.. huhuhu
hmm.. aku pn mengalami situasi yg lbih kurg same sbenanyer.. takyahlah nk melembutkan batu sungai tuh.. doa2kan jelah.. sbb ak rase doa tu lg kuat dr kata2 direct kite sbg manusia ni...
kan?? ( lagi gaya paktam)

Anonymous said...

patut la...he was one of Pahang Bikers..heheheh..and me..definitely respect him a lot because he has pendirian teguh n he believes wat he should believe..that is GORGEOUS..i think ur father feel like he still young n have jiwa muda..wearing kopiah n RayBan while riding EGO? kalah mat rempit..hehehe..may i borrow his RayBan?

-my mother teach me adab sopan..my father teach me how to think-

mayamin syafiqah said...

haha aku rase nak cube lah idea ko tu..pg td aku dh letakkan helmet dalam bakul motor..

haha..btol2..bile la nak lembut nye ha..hihi..baiklah!jangan putus asa..

nama dia..
huhu..Pahang Bikers dulu..bape kali tukar moto..sempatla gue merase naik muto2 besar dulu..yg paling best n siap bleh tido agi kan..Gold Wings..

but his believes tu tak kene la..dulu sanggup beli helmet beribu2..skang dah tanak pakai langsung dh..cane tu..

u want to borrow RayBan ke..haha..tanye die sendiri..n honestly he looks very smart n "got style" when he wears that kopiah and RayBan..really..

haha..i think i should take a picture an post it here one day..

p/s-i know i've inherited some(some ke?)of his stubborness..


Anonymous said...

forgot to say in my previous comment...

"p/s-i know i've inherited some(some ke?)of his stubborness.."

hell yeah!!! u've inherited major of his stubborness..bapak borek, anak rintik..hahahaha..but that makes u special..people told me..u r like their own sister..nagging them to b better..ignore wat people said coz u're stubborn.. but wat u do shows u care 4 them...

-jgn kepala jd batu sudaaaa-

mayamin syafiqah said...

i wonder who r u..nway thanks..yeah..i'll become very stubborn at times..hehe..kepala batu?hope tak lah..tegas itu ada..tapi kadang2 makan dipujuk jugak..

eSkrEm cKLaT said...

"nobody know until the truth/tyme come rite in front of us"

ezo said...

x sangka jumpa ko dlm blog ni..
aku wan..