jaga diri hiasi peribadi

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Puding Raja

Assalamualaikum..hey..i got a sms this morning,asking me to update my blog..huhu..almost 2 weeks had been abandoned..actually many things happened recently but i prefer not to write everything here..n to all my viewers, I hope it is still not late to wish all of you Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zaher dan Baten..

Last weekend, Pekan Pahang was really busy accepting thousands of guests and VIPs throughout the country to Istana Abu Bakar Pekan for Sultan's granddaughter's wedding celebration..Mak got the invitation from Tengku Nita, she is one of Persatuan Hoki Wanita Pahang high committee..(mak one of them too)..so kiteorg mmg sangat beriya nak pegi and decide to close gerai for that Saturday night..(haiyoo..kalo nak ikutkan sedikit rugila..yelah..saturday night usually people come and eat outside) but nevermine, this is one in a lifetime experience..the invitation card ha i tell u..of course la grand kan..hehe..n only inviting 2 person (spouse)..but according to Untie Phua, bawak jelah..Tg Nita kate takpe..datang je ramai2..huhu..then ape lagi..mak bring her 3 sweet girls :-)..ayah tak larat nak gii since fever melanda..(hihi..sian kena tinggall kat umah sengsorg).

After maghrib prayer at masjid pekan, we rush there and according to the card we must be there at 7.45.There are 4 types of guests and we were D class.(rakyat jelata) i think A=kerabat B=VVIP-menteri C=VIP D=orang biasa dan kebanyakan..n of course the gate for each class will also be different..we, the D class have to park the car outside the palace and the gate i think the blakang gate la of course kan and we have a long walk to the ballroom..nobody direct us to the hall n we just follow the crowd..n terpinga2 depan that ball room tak tau how the sitting system.in front the entrance were some counters for presents..the system for the present, first they will put a sticker with series number on the present.then the murah hati guests will sign on the guests book that have the series number.(so that the bride will know who gave what..but if do not give means?)(mak told that persatuan bought RM 800 present)-i saw it but couldnt really describe what it is..just for perhiasan2 ni la..(cam ade bunga2 tembaga yg timbul dalam frame)yg bestnye..bab2 hadiah penting sgt..tp..bile sampai kite guests ni pun tatau nak duduk kat mane..terpinga2..mentang2 we are rakyat jelata then nobody would like to entertain us..erghh..

Then OK part was i saw many of course the artises..hmm they are Haiza Dangdut, Nurul ex-ajai, Man Bai, Dynaz Mokhtar, Linda Jasmin, hehehe..n Datuk Siti Nurhaliza with her hubby..hmm then some reporters..I like to see those gelagat dorg yg xberapa nak molek tu..menyampah pun ade..uih..depan mate ni..this one artis salam n cium2 pipi (artis pompuan yg dah kawen k..depan mak bapak lak tu..dengan this chinese guy but tataula sape-koreographer ke,make up artist ke) the best part was dengan mak die pun sekali buat camtu..ayah die lak just dok tepi tgk..uh..malunye..macam tade maruah je ayah die tu..harap je berpangkat Dato' tp maruah tatau letak kat mane..

N the BEST part to me when i was there i can see a lot of beautiful dresses wore by beautiful ladies (some jela yg beautiful)..many kind of fashion i can see and terpikir uh..susah jugak jadi dieorg ni..kene spare a lot of glamour n gorgeous dresses to attend this kind of function..
K lets go to the EVENT part..we arrive at 7.45 and kedegung kedegang tunggu sipolan dan sipolan sampai..akhirnya kul 9 barula pengantin turun..then majlis merenjis..ramai lak nak kene renjis..nenda lah sapelah..sultan johor pun ade..korang tekala makan kul bape..kul 10.30 beb..semua dah muke tension gile..naseb kiteorg ni duduk kat luar..kat bawah canopy luar je..not in the ballroom..but they said the food was the same just only in the ballroom got aircond..kat luar angin malam je..mak n untie phua masuk dalam...kiteorg kat luar..adik adalah org yg paling tensen sekali dok tanye bile nak makan..huhu..terpaksela sabar..at least kat luar tak payah nak jaga tataususila sangat..hehe..

K we come the WORST part that night.. biaselah kalo org kawen mesti akan dapat goodies camtu kan..i sit with fini n untie bedah n daughter so 4 person occupied 1 table that supposedly for 8person.sedang kami pelahap tak tahan nak makan, the people incharged for the goodies start distributing the goody bags to the guests under the canopy..n unfortunately they missed our table ..oke firstly be positive and say that maybe they mislooked at us..k..layan la makanan ni dulu..bole tahan jugakla food die..tp lapar punye pasal dah tak tgk kiri n kanan lagi dah..k dah nak abes makan tu i asked fini to asked the person incharged for the goodies (their table was just beside us and fini was nearer to ask)..
Fini:kak..kiteorg tak dapat lagi beg tu..
KAKAK:Dik..tak cukupla beg tu..(dengan muke yg sangat menyakitkan hati..kalo korg tgk mesti korg rase nak lempang ke kakak tu..seriesly)

Hey..terbakar gile hatiku dan fini..macam kiteorg ni nak SEPULUH beg tu..kiteorg just nak cakap kiteorg tak dapat lagi..bole tak cakap jap eh dik..akak rase tak cukup..nnt akak tgkkan ke...ini tak..muke...eh..mmg geram gile la..hey guys..logik ke cucu sultan kawen brg tak cukup..canopy belah sana tu tade org duduk pun..takkan la goody bag tu kene catu plak..konfemla bag tu must be more than sits yg ade malam tu..die igt kiteorg ni bodoh n nak sangat ke bag tu..kalo tade takpe..kiteorg bole terima tapi jangan buat kiteorg ni cam nak mintak sedekahh plak..aku tak mintak duet ko pun kak oi...aku n fini mengata belakang die n saje nak soh die dgr gak..antara ayat nye.."aku tak mintak duet ko pun..kalo muke tu cantek takpe gak".Mentang2la fini yg tanye..die jawab camtu lak..Akhirnye bile kami nak blah dah die amek satu goody bag tu bagi kat untie bedah.."kak..ni je satu yg tgal mntak maaf ye..td dah kire cukup dah..mintak maaf sgt2"..kiteorg buat bodoh je..(yela ade ke patut mende camtu nak catu2..pastu kene kire guests,cakap berapa then pegi amek bawak turun..konfemla mase ko tgh nak amek mende tu ade lagi guest yg baru duduk..aih..tak logik langsung..)aku n fini hangen gile la..cepat2 je nak balekk..msg mak soh kuar..haha..mak tgalkan dewan dengan selambenye..untie phua pun riso kiteorg tak dapat..tp siyesly aku bukannye nak sangat mende tu..just cam candy bowl tu..tapi tolongla..kite kan org melayu..berbudi bahasa..janganla menyakitkan hati org lain plak..buat rosak mud aku je..

Bile mak kuar je smue pon cepat2 nak balek..ape lagi angkat kaki belahla walhal kat dalam tu majlis tak abes lg..yg penting dpt makan..n for 3 of us..we got the experience masuk istana..walopon malam tak nampak sgt..maybe once in a lifetime dapat invitation camtu..so we really appreciate it except for the bad treatment from that kakak..memang pengacau mood betol..fini kate pasni tanak gi dah majlis2 cani..haha..serik..


Suffya dah tensen gile..


Anonymous said...

tang goodies people tu..mmg xcukup pun..xcukup utk bg kat royal guest..tp cukup bg diorang sorok2..nak bg kat org kampung diorang, kwn2 rpt, sahabt handai, rakan taulan..pendek kata..kronisme pun suda merebak pd goodies people..hehehe

-peace no war-

LeLa BeSt said...

hahahaha... ko mmg suke g benda2 cmni..
eh kalo jmp lagi org yg perangai cm kkk tuh, ckp die, OHHHH... X CUKUP...!!! hmm.. salah kire kot ye kak?

mat_ganu said...

agak2 khwn ko mcm 2 x?
kalo mcm 2,ak dtg dkt time2 nk mkn je la..eee

bese la..majlis grand
ko assume je la akak 2 'dtg bln'..
die pnt 2..eee

goodies pe yg dpt?

mayamin syafiqah said...

tadela suke sangat..cume bile dgr masuk istana tu cam best je kan..tapi ropenye camtu keadaan die..

malas aku nak igt pasal kakak tu..meluat..

tadela..aku kawen nnti, ko datang je makanan mmg dh ade..tayah nak tgu2 renjis nye..tp kene datang la eh..

dapat paper bag berisikan candy bowl berisikan kuih bangkit dan candy..

Hafizan said...

hehehe maya.aku pn pnah msk istana gak.tp time tu aku keje dgn katering.so,kene la hidang2 makanan nie.tak tau la bape org yg dh sumpah seranah aku kat blakang mcm ko sumpah seranah akak tue hehehe...mmg pnat keje kat istana sampai kekadang tak sedar yg kite terbuat muka slack kat guest. tak sempat nk rehat,ade je org panggil nak itu..nak ini.. tp dh name pn keja kn?kena la wat btul2.nnt tak psl2 name istana plak yg busuk. ape2 pn nnt kalo ko kawin wat la kat hotel ye.baru la grand gitu huhu...

yanaLiy said...

Maya kalau kawin, lalu bawah pedang, pakai baju uniform putih. hehe...

Kenapa tak amik gambar dgn selebrities?? Bukan selalu boleh di-treat sama rata dgn mereka itu. Kat dalam istana, diorang tu rakyat biasa je..

ezo said...

haru je baca kisah ko ni..
patut ko perli banyak2 lagi kat akak muke ketat tu..
kasi die terkedu sebentar...

yang penting, perut dapat diisi..

mayamin syafiqah said...

yg keja catering tu oke2 je..dorg melayan je..ko pun oke kot mase tu..alah..biasela bile pegi kat tmpat n majlis grand konfemla kite nak layanan yg baik kan..kalo gi kedai mamak ke lain la plak layanannye..hehe..

eh yeke lalu bawah pedang..aku pun tak penah tgk lagi..huhuhu..malas la nak amek gmbr ngan dorg..takut gak kene marah..bukannye AIM ke Juara Lagu ke kan..hihi..bodyguard ramai kat sane..kang tak pasal2 kene sound..malu..hihi..tp mmg aku tak heran sgt pun ngan dorg ni..jus nak tgk gelagat je..

banyak dah aku perli cume aku tak igt je aku cakap ape dah..pas satu suap puding raja masuk mulut ade dah dalam sebaris kate2 ku kat kakak tu..ni baru betul org kate mengata belakang..